Water Related Questions
1Minerals - Ca (calcium), Mg (Magnesium), Na (Sodium), Ka (Potassium) and other nutrients found in food and water. Minerals found in water are said to be especially good for the health in optimum amounts. 2Free carbon dioxide - Carbon Dioxide found in water. Some people prefer the taste of water with carbon dioxide, which tends to have lower pH levels. Water with less carbon dioxide is said to be better for the health. Japanese sake tastes better when there is a moderate amount of carbon dioxide in it. 3Anti-Bacterial feature - Appliances such as the LeveLuk that produce something for human consumption are given anti-bacterial treatment. These appliances often comprise many different parts, and it is especially important that the parts where water passes through are not contaminated.
Kangen Water® is intended for everyday drinking and cooking rather than for drinking with medication. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare gives the following directions:
- Do not take medication with machine-produced water.
- Do not drink machine-produced water if you have anaciditas1
- Seek help from a doctor or pharmacist if you feel an abnormality in the body, or continued intake does not appear to improve symptoms. This is because the effectiveness of medication using Kangen Water® has not yet been tested. The pH level of stomach acids is about 1.8pH, and medication is prescribed in accordance to this pH level in order for it to take effect past the stomach. Therefore, to ensure full effect of the medication, we recommend leaving some time between taking the medication and drinking Kangen Water®.
1Anaciditas - This symptom, also known as gastric acholrhydria, is found in people with a stomach acidity higher than the average human pH level of 1.8pH. This makes it harder for them to digest food. These people should not drink alkaline Kangen Water®.
1Free Carbon Dioxide - Carbon Dioxide found in water. Some people prefer the taste of water with carbon dioxide, which tends to have lower pH levels. Water with less carbon dioxide is said to be better for the health. Japanese sake tastes better when there is a moderate amount of carbon dioxide in it.
The benefits of consuming Kangen Water® are the minerals it contains and the optimal hydration it offers.
1Mengen effect - Your body may start hurting several hours or a day after you receive chiropractic. The technical term for this is the Mengen effect. It is a natural physical response, where the body tries to go back to normal after muscles and bones have been adjusted.
1Astringent - Acidic water works as an astringent for toning your skin. 'Astringent water' refers to acidic beauty water.
1Acidic water - Acidic ionized water produced by electrolysis with a pH between 4.0 and 6.5. Its astringent effect is certified by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Excellent for skin care.
Among the five types of water produced by LeveLuk, the two types for drinking (purified water/Kangen Water®) must be used fresh. Please keep these two types of water in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days and replace the water in your take-out bottle everyday. For water used for domestic purposes, including Acidic Water, Strong Acidic Water and Strong Kangen Water, less care is required, but we recommend changing your supply once a week. To store, please place the water in a lightproof container1, fill it to the very top to avoid unnecessary contact with air, and store it in a cool, dark place (the refrigerator is ideal).
1Lightproof container - Container that keeps light out.
There are no set rules regarding how to drink Kangen Water® or how much to consume.
It is most common to begin by setting a low pH1 level (between pH8 and pH9.0), and gradually increasing the amount of intake. After continuing regular intake for about two weeks, gradually adjust the pH level and amount of intake (between pH9.0-pH9.5) based on your bodily needs and physical condition. The Kangen Water® should be as fresh as possible.
For children or seniors, set the pH level at an even lower level upon starting, and gradually increase it as the body adjusts to the current pH level.
In the case of infants (until about a year old), since breast milk or milk is the only thing they consume, the intestinal movement is generally different from adults, and the use of Kangen Water® is not encouraged until the infant begins to consume more sophisticated foods. In any case, Kangen Water® should not be used to make powdered milk for infants.
1pH - The logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen-ion concentration in gram atoms per liter. It is used as a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a scale of 0-14 (where 7 is neutral).
Machine Related Questions
1O-ring - Small, round rubber gasket that prevents leakage when connecting the various pipes to the appliance.
Two types of water run through the LeveLuk machine, and Kangen Water® will be produced only when the two run at a fixed ratio. If the discharge hose is bent, or the stand is positioned higher than the bottom tip of the flexible pipe, acidic water cannot be produced properly. In turn, stretching the hose below the sink to collect water in a separate container will result in loss of Kangen Water®. In this case, please do not pull the spout stand to the bottom, but prepare a separate hose to collect water in the container. Please make it a daily habit to check the water using the pH testing solution and hydrogen bubbles.
1Control PCB (Print Circuit Board) - A board comprising print circuits that manage various data related to the appliance. Hi-tech components/condenser also built in. 2ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) - Electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down rusting and decay (oxidization). This process is also known as deoxidization. ORP is measured in terms of negative mVs. The ideal ORP level for the human body is said to be between -150mV and -400mV.
1Citric acid - Citric acid is extracted from apples. It has the ability to dissolve clusters of minerals such as Ca and Mg. An ideal and safe way of cleaning water production appliances is to circulate citric acid through the appliance.
1Minerals - Ca (calcium), Mg (Magnesium), Na (Sodium), Ka (Potassium) and other nutrients found in food and water. Minerals found in water are said to be especially good for the health in optimum amounts.
1Scales - Ca, Mg, Na, Ka and other mineral clusters are produced when water is electrolyzed. These clusters are called scales and are not harmful even if consumed. 2Electrode plate - A metal board that conducts electricity during electrolysis. It is made of titanium and plated in platinum. It has superb electrolysis capacity and high durability. 3Reversing the voltage - In order to electrolyze water, the plus and minus of the direct currents must be clear. When mineral clusters get attached to the electrode plate, there is a need to reverse the plus and minus of the current to remove the clusters. This basically sets the appliance on a cleaning function, similar to when it is placed on the "beauty water" setting.
The display screen on the LeveLuk will notify you when the total volume of water produced reaches 1,500 gallons. The microcomputer controls this notification mechanism, please make sure to press the reset switch to activate the microcomputer when you put in a new filter. The reset switch is located on the top right of the cartridge section (inside the black cover on the left). Please press it until it beeps. The microcomputer controls other information for the LeveLuk as well, which is why it is critical to remember to press the reset button.
1Double cross line method - Also referred to as the auto cross changer method. An electrolysis system where the appliance is equipped with two small electrolysis cells in order to enhance durability by alternating the cells with each water flow.
LeveLuk is equipped with an automatic water-draining system that prevents contamination and proliferation of germs in residue water. The automatic water draining system is activated once the water stops. It takes approximately 30 seconds for all water in the electrolysis cell, water purification cartridge, and all channels to be drained through the hose (grey). Please note that the automatic water draining system is activated when the water level drops, and positioning the spout higher than the base of the appliance for any reason (pooling of acidic water in the tank, hanging the hose from a rack because of its length) may result in a failure to discharge residue water. Leaving water behind may cause problems with taste and smell. Please be sure to have the spout hose lower than the appliance before turning the tap off.
When the original tap water supply is high in minerals (most often seen with well water), a large amount of crystals are formed in the electrolysis cell. If this progresses, chunks of crystals can become stuck in the net before the flexible pipe, obstructing the water outflow. In order to remove this clog, poke the area with a piece of wire and blow air into the K8 from the spout. Please remove the flexible pipe from K8 when cleaning in this manner. Water flow can also become restricted when a machine is due for a deep cleaning.
Electrolyzing water produces Kangen Water® (alkaline) on the negative pole and acidic water on the positive pole. LeveLuk is designed so that the flexible pipe attached to the top is connected to the negative electrolysis cell, while the discharge (gray) hose, attached to the base of the LeveLuk, is connected to the positive electrolysis cell.
For this reason, Kangen Water® and strong Kangen Water® comes out of the flexible pipe, and acidic water and strong acidic water comes out of the discharge hose. Of the four production modes, when the appliance is set on the "beauty water" mode, the electric current is reversed, as it is done for cleaning, so acidic water comes out the flexible pipe and Kangen Water® comes out the discharge hose. This is the only time the waters are discharged on the opposite ends. Since the acidic mode reverses polarity, it has the effect of breaking off calcium crystals attached to the negative pole and can be used as a manual cleaning mode.
Misc Questions
1Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) - Electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down rusting and decay (oxidization). This process is also known as deoxidization. ODR is measures in terms of negative mVs. The ideal ODR level for the human body is said to be between -150mV and -400mV. 1Active oxygen - Also known as free radicals. Medically it is known to enter the body when one's daily rhythm of life or diet goes astray when under stress. It is the type of oxygen that causes illness and aging. Maintaining a daily rhythm will help keep this oxygen from entering your body!
1Astringent effect - Acidic water contains a small amount of chlorine ions and has an astringent effect. This water is good for toning your skin. 2Calcium glycerophosphate (Calcium powder) - If the pH level does not increase even after electrolyzing water (especially when using well water or tap water in areas toward the Sea of Japan), adding calcium powder will increases the pH level.
Kangen Water® produces a yellow/green color (neutral reading) in pH testing solutions even if it made on the setting for pH 9.5. This phenomenon is often observed in areas where well water is used. Even water that tests neutral has been through the electrolytic process and has the benefits. This is caused by the carbon dioxide in well water, which is produced from decomposing organic matter. Carbon dioxide readily dissolves in water, making it acidic. Water with carbon dioxide can be electrolyzed, however, the carbon dioxide is neutralized during the process. Therefore the water tests neutral on the pH scale. Driving out the carbon dioxide from Kangen Water® will result in the Kangen Water® expressing blue in pH test liquid.
When measuring the pH using a pH testing solution, place a few drops in the flask before pouring in freshly made Kangen Water®. There is carbon dioxide in your Kangen Water® if the color turns blue initially, but eventually turns yellow.
1Caustic lime - Okinawa is said to exist on top of coral. As a result, the water in Okinawa has a high mineral content. 2Pre-filter - A filter used in situations where the original water supply contains a high percentage of well water or chemical substance. The transparent filter makes it easy to tell when the cartridge needs changing. 3Anodized aluminum - An aluminum alloy often used in household pots.
1The Japan Functional Water Association Meeting - The Japan Functional Water Association Workshop was established on September 13, 2002. In December of the same year, the first Japan Functional Water Association Academic Convention was held in Tokyo. 2Dissolved hydrogen - Most commonly measured using a diaphragm polalograph-type dissolved hydrogen electrode. The solubility of dissolved hydrogen is about 1.5mg/L. 3Colloidal - Low molecular weight (colloidal) particles dispersed in liquid. Each particle is between 1m and 0.1. The majority of substances that make up organisms are colloidal and have complex movements. 4Active hydrogen - Professor Sanetaka SHIRAHATA of Kyushu University announced the "active hydrogen deoxidized water theory" on removing the active hydrogen in Kangen water. Related academic circles are debating whether or not active hydrogen exists in a stable state, given that it is an unstable free radical.
LeveLuk is made to be used in USA. When using LeveLuk in other countries, it must be adjusted to the particular voltage (110V-240V) and water quality of the country. Since there are few countries where you can drink tap water straight from the tap, and many countries where the water has extremely high calcium content, we recommend selecting a filter that suits the country. Many laws must be taken into consideration for exporting goods, but individual use overseas is not a problem.